I haven't had the chance to play with all the pictures, but I'd like to introduce you to Carlos, who I met right behind the Lincoln Memorial.

Anyway, as you can see, Carlos is a very talented juggler. I don't know if it comes through in the pictures, but he has a very intense style - the next pictures try to show this - involving snatching the bottles out of the air in mid-flight and sweeping them through the paths of the others. It's pretty impressive.

Hey, thanks for the eye candy! :)
Hey, thanks for the eye candy! :)
Zan - Wow, thanks, you really like the moon set pictures that much? Or were you talking about the other pictures? Oh, I see how this game is played.
I looked at the pictures of Carlos.
He was juggling, too? I didn't notice.
la - Yes, he was juggling. And yes, I did this to increase my female readership. Strangely, last week's picture of John Belushi didn't work.
Great pictures! And LOL@the previous comments!
Strictly for artistic purposes, the first few would make interesting drawings. Would it be o.k. if I drew one of them and linked you as the source of the original photo?
Hunkiness aside, they are a good study for muscles and human anatomy.:)
Pauline - Yeah, it's like "What juggling?!? I didn't notice." Feel free to draw away. If you'd like, since these are little scans, email me and I'll send along larger versions.
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