The next thing you know there's going to be cut-rate proton and neutron stands on every corner selling counterfeit molecule parts.
Whoever it is, Charles Montgomery "Monty" Burns would definitely take exception to the thought of someone trying to just give away light. Why give it away when you can build a giant disk to blot out the sun?
Seriously, there's only 16 words on the note, including phone number and apartment number (both obscured to protect the poor speller). How can you misspell two of them?
[Note: Don't forget to check out my new pictures on my photostream (link on the right). Moonset over the Pike.]
Sadly, I laughed at this :)
aw. i want a photon. how fun would that be? :)
seriously, though? it takes serious effort to misspell "futon" that way. that was someone clearly thinking about the correct spelling of the word, and just going horribly, horribly wrong...
If that were in my building, I'd be so tempted to correct it. As long as no one else was around to see me do it.
How big do you think the metel frame is for the free photon? Eeety beety?
Was just thinking about that ep of Simpsons. HEh. So true.
I seriously had no idea what they were trying to give away until I read the comments here. Awesome!
J - The only thing sad about this is that someone didn't know how to spell "futon" and "metal."
magnolia - I imagine after hours and days and weeks of studying for the bar, a little direct sunlight might not be a bad idea.
Liebchen - There are signs all around my office that say something like "This copier is for unsecured material only." Problem is, they're all posted above the printers. I've made a pen change or two.
Hana - Welcome! I'm guessing it's even smaller than that. Perhaps it's made out of strings...
Sadako - And welcome to you as well. The good ones never lose their charm.
Jenny - Wow, a third welcome. It took me a minute or two as well. Then I dashed downstairs for my camera.
If the ad isn't spelled correctly, then you really have to wonder about the quality of the product being advertised! LOL
Ohh, FoggyDew, be nice (and yes, I know this is coming from me, the baby seal joke maker). It's an ESL speaker. If you have English as your first language, you wouldn't ever say "in a good condition."
Pauline - Not only that, perhaps it's stolen. I wonder what the penalty is for dealing in hot light?
LG - Someone else pointed that out to me in person. Still funny. And, I should point out, you didn't make a baby seal joke, you made a seal baby joke. Big difference.
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