Friday, October 31, 2008

Checked that box...

According to the Associated Press:
RAVENNA, Mich. - A Michigan man who bowled his first perfect game immediately collapsed in the bowling alley and died.

Don Doane belonged to the same team at a bowling alley for 45 years.

On Oct. 16 at Ravenna Bowl, he scored a perfect 300.

As he was being congratulated by his teammates, local television reports said Doane collapsed on the floor.

The 62-year-old was taken to a local hospital but could not be saved. A medical examiner later determined that a heart attack killed Doane.

Now I don't want to jump to conclusions, but perhaps, just maybe, Doane might have thought of doing something other than spending the last 45 years in a bowling ally? Although, those 10 Xs will look mighty good on the headstone.

At least his final resting place won't be the "Tomb of the Unknown Bowler."


Anonymous said...

You KNOW his last words were...wait for it..."I can die now."

FoggyDew said...

Or, perhaps, "Don't tell my wife I bowled a 300. She'd kill me if she knew I was at the lanes again."

Anonymous said...

Call me sentimental, but I think we should all be so lucky as to die doing something we love.